A Triple-Batch, including some DK!

Happy Wednesday!

I hope All Y’all are doing well today.  I’ve been busy, and am happy to share some of what I’ve been doing.

This week I have three (3!!) racks of yarns to share with you.

Thanks to a custom job I dyed over the weekend, I had some leftover DK weight yarns to play with.  Those are shown on Rack 3 down below, but first I have two racks of my regular Phydlbitz Sock.  I didn’t plan it, but it turned out that I did six Twinsets as solids, and six as two-tone fades, which made it easier to organize the racks for showing.

Because of the custom dyes I had a lot of leftover dyes to use, so I combined several of them for the dye session yesterday.  All of the colors you see here are the result of combining various dyes on-the-fly (i.e., without precise measuring).  I thoroughly enjoy blending dyes this way, as it allows me to create colors or combinations not normally seen and nearly impossible to reproduce.

Most of the first rack are fairly evidently solids.  The second rack is the set of Twinsets dyed as two-tone fades.   Twinset #61-62 and #65-66 were dyed at roughly 36-inch repeats; the rest were dyed at roughly 72-inch repeats.   I’ve tried to arrange them on the rack to show off their colors and repeats.

While I dislike trying to name colorways, Twinset #65-66 reminds me of Antique Dusty Rose, while #67-68 looks like it belongs on a logo for surfboards or some little Beach Dune burger joint.  🙂

The third rack is the DK-weight, mostly dyed as solids except for #81-82, which is a navy-turquoise fade. The ones at the end #83 and 84 are solo skeins, leftover from the custom job.  These two were dyed earlier and started drying a day before so they’ve drawn up and look shorter, but they really are the same base yarn.

Phydlbitz Sock (#49-72) is normally $27.50.  The Merino/Nylon DK is normally $28.00.   For Wednesday and Thursday, you can get 10% off your order when you claim any two or more, matching or not.

To claim the ones you want, just send me an email (ray@knitivity.com) with your numbered requests.

Given the cold and damp of the season, drying and processing may take a little longer, but I expect to have these all ready to ship by Saturday or Monday.

I plan to have another batch of yarns ready by Sunday.  🙂

Available Yarns: 
Rack 1 – 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60
Rack 2 – 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72
Rack 3 – 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84

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