Happy Saturday all around!
As most folks may have heard, we had a hurricane come through on Monday. I was without electricity from around 5:00 a.m. until late afternoon on Monday. CenterPoint Energy is hoping to restore power to at least 80% of the Houston metro area by tomorrow — a whole week into this recovery! I am thankful I got electricity back early this time, yet sad so many others are still without, including three of my children who live in the great metro area, one of whom also has solar panels and battery back-ups which for some reason also failed him.
Even though I do have power and water, it has been nearly impossible to order groceries or meals delivered. I tried to order groceries on Wednesday, and the Instacart system tried to schedule me for delivery on Monday. And (more relevant to my Knitivity customers) the mail systems were impacted, with packages and mail being delayed. I have four yarn packages for which I put in a package pick-up request for Thursday, and the packages are still here. I will try again on Monday.
I’m not a fan of Big Storms. I had hoped Beryl would have remained aiming more toward the Texas-Mexico border area, but it turned almost directly toward Houston, mostly on the west side which put me quite firmly on the “dirty” side of the storm. It is called the dirty side because it is where most of the winds and torrential rains occur. It was just me and BigBoy in the trailer, and the noise was absolutely terrifying to me, with the trees whipping around beating the trailer, dropping branches and debris on the roof and all around, and generally creating an unpleasant time for me. As we are always reminded in these storms, it’s not so much how the wind blows but what the wind blows. I had my patio chairs and outdoor trash bins stacked and wedged next to the steps behind the porch. The neighbors on the other side of the property had loads of stuff blown about, making the whole yard look like a disaster.
Anyway, the storm has passed, the yard mostly cleared, and I decided to dye some yarns last night, failing to realize today was forecast to have rain all day. I prefer not to try photographing yarns in the yarn, but was able to catch a brief pause in the rain this morning and got a couple good pictures.
All of these are Phydlbitz Sock, dyed as Twinsets. I didn’t have a particular theme in mind, but several came out looking like something from the Dark Forest (in a hauntingly pleasing way, of course) and others are a delightful mix of garden nursery displays. Or perhaps a children’s nursery. Very lovely either way, in my opinion. Several of the multi-color Twinsets would look terrific being knit in high-contrast vertical or diagonal stripes.
Twinset #540-541 is solid navy, but the rest are a variety of dye application techniques with multiple dyes on each Twinset. I started Twinset #536-537 with a dipped brown, but for some reason my brown came up as a dark slate gray, so I topped that twinset with some gold ochre and sun yellow.
Phydlbitz Sock is normally $27.50 each skein, but when you claim any two or more of this new collection (BRS24 – #520 – 543) matching or not you may have them at $25.50 apiece on Saturday and Sunday.
To claim the ones you want just send me an email with your numbered requests. I’ll mark your requests off the Available Yarns tally chart shown below and then send you a PayPal invoice, which you can pay with a credit or debit card even if you don’t have a PayPal account. If you are outside the U.S. please let me know so I can calculate your shipping costs.
Due to wet weather, it may take an extra day or two for this week’s yarns to dry and get reskeined and ready to ship. Even so I hope to have these all ready to ship on or about Wednesday or Thursday.
Speaking of shipping costs, I noticed last week that all rates were increased on July 1, both domestic and international, so shipping will cost a little more.
Available Yarns
Rack 1 – 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531
Rack 2 – 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543