I’m Okay!

I don’t normally post non-yarn issues here.

Tuesday afternoon the mail carrier took away all the many yarn orders, some of which should have been sent last week but were delays with repairs on the trailer.   I was standing there handing her package, with one foot up on the edge of her truck.  Got down to the last one and I lost my balance and fell backward, stumbling a few feet and then losing to gravity.

I ended up with a  cut on the back of my head.  The mail carrier turned off her truck and helped me up, then yelped that I was bleeding.  Eeek.  It looked far worse than it actually was, since head wounds tend to bleed a lot.

My daughter took me to an urgent care facility where they checked me out, cleaned up the wound, checked me for possible concussion, but thankfully it was just a cut on the head and not something worse.  I’m thinking since I fell first onto my butt, then shoulders, it wasn’t such a long fall for my head to hit the ground so there wasn’t a lot of damage.

I’m still really sore all over — amazing how many muscles jump into action to brace against a fall.  But I’m taking it (mostly) easy today.  I’m surprised that I hurt more today than I did yesterday. Anyway, I’m reskeining the most recent collection of yarns and then I’ll be pulling hanks to be dyed tomorrow and shown on Saturday.  I’ll have this week’s packages ready to ship out on Saturday as well.


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